Truth vs. Fact

Truth is far different than fact. Facts are something you can learn and to which you can attach yourself. The truth is something you experience and which you assimilate into your being. Once you have experienced real Truth, you cannot go back. It will change your life. You will not be able to just replace it with some new information. On the other hand, facts are replaceable. Once you learn something new which opposes the understanding you held previously, you can discard the old like waste.

The real Truth, which you have been searching for all your life, is here to stay. Once you have encountered this Wisdom, you will never be able to live life as though it is not there. It exists and we all must organize ourselves around it. Some of us are chasing it and trying to discover it. Some of us are aware of its Presence and trying to get closer to it. And some of us are trying to deny or ignore its existence, but it is there: pure, unadulterated Truth, and it is more profound than any fact you can grab onto.

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