Something Needs to Die

My friend and mentor has told me this many times: somebody told him once that when you are depressed, you want to die. And you obviously don’t need to die, but something in you needs to die.

That is brilliant. I think I go through this almost weekly depression and many times, I have no idea what is going on, but sometimes I feel like God is trying to kill something in me. More often than not, it has been when I have grown hardhearted, or I am trying to hold onto something that has needed to go for a long time.

It is good to remember that winter comes around once a year because a little death is necessary. Forest fires are even a natural part of forest life – death and then rebirth. Sometimes it is a nasty, gut-wrenching death, and sometimes it passes like a slow drain, but it is always somewhat painful. Ride it out, and see what’s on the other side.

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