Finding Security

Some anxiety is natural in this realm. When we are away from the One who sustains us, of course there is going to be some anxiety. And when we feel anxious, we immediately begin to seek security in various ways. We seek to have enough money, be esteemed by others, have all of our tasks completed, make sure our loved ones are healthy and safe.

Think about what you are actually afraid of. Ultimately, you are probably afraid of being destroyed or being condemned. I know that sounds drastic, but at its essence, our anxiety comes from these basic fears. Feeling insecure because you do not have enough money is produced by the feeling that you will fail and not survive, and being worried about what others think is really produced by the fear that you will be judged or condemned. These are threats to your personal integrity.

This is when I start to think so much of attachment theory. One of the primary tenants of attachment theory is that when we begin to feel anxious or threatened, we more often seek out connection with one who can sustain us. There are lots of things  that we believe will give us security, but there is really only One Person who can do it truly and fully.

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